Because undergraduate research opportunities transformed this Temple grad’s career trajectory.

阿尔瓦罗·桑切斯 CLA的17, conducts qualitative and quantitative studies that inspire inclusive social policy and strengthen equitable economic development. If it wasn’t for his participation in undergraduate research projects, he may have never discovered his passion for applying data analysis to helping the underserved.

Picture of Alvaro Sánchez ’17

Alvaro Sánchez ’17

研究 Analyst, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta

“My work with Dr. Weisberg showed me my love for researching, and the Steinberg study showed me that I really cared about social issues. It was those two things that made me want to dive deeper into being a social scientist.”

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研究 as a Roadmap

Sánchez’s interest in research and data analysis was sparked early, when the saxophone-playing, former music education major undertook a study with the Department of Psychology’s Robert Weisberg about cognitive processes, creativity and jazz. For his efforts, he earned a Diamond 研究 Scholars Program 奖, which provided him with a stipend to support his research and came in handy during what he described as a financially rough time. 

One of his most transformational experiences was the opportunity to assist Laura H. Carnell Professor of Psychology Laurence Steinberg on a study investigating the long-term consequences of formal and informal processing on first-time juvenile offenders.

Analyzing Inequity

In his current role with the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, Sánchez is tasked with analyzing the economic impact of “benefit cliffs”—when families lose public assistance due to a career advancement, which actually causes them to be financially worse off than they were before.

Prior to accepting his Atlanta position, which he started in January 2022, Sánchez applied his skills at the Federal Reserve Bank of 费城, where he produced applied economics papers on topics spanning equity, 基础设施, job creation and workforce development. 

That’s where he conducted his most significant research to date—a study concerning broadband access and how it is limited for rural and low- and moderate-income communities, particularly in Pennsylvania. The first paper related to the research was published in early March 2020, and with the pandemic looming, it became even more important—and garnered media attention.

Driving his work always, 桑切斯说, are the issues that surround “easily forgotten” low- and moderate-income communities. 

“I am trying to solve the pervasive inequities related to poverty and economic insecurity, to put it in a nutshell,他说.

An Urban Incubator

后殿, Sánchez completed his master’s degree at the University of Pennsylvania’s School of Social Policy and Practice. Staying in 费城 for graduate school was important to Sánchez, as was starting his career here.

“I almost feel indebted to this city that’s given me so much,Sánchez说, referring to the internships he held at the 费城 Mayor’s Office, the Economy League of Greater 费城 and the Chamber of Commerce, and adding that one of the best reasons to go to Temple is its location in 费城.

“费城 provides so many opportunities outside the classroom to apply the knowledge that you’re learning in the classroom,他说.

费城’s Only Public 研究 Institution

作为一个大的, public research university, exploration and discovery of new information is embedded into all disciplines. Temple students can experience research in many ways through coursework, mentorships with professors and independent projects.